Blythewood Curse book signing in England

The Blythewood Curse by Lita will be the featured offering at a book signing in England! The mystery takes place in 1890 in the village of Helmsley, located in the North Yorkshire town of Helmsley. On May 18th this coming month, the Helmsley Bookshop will host Lita and the book signing from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. If you are anywhere in the area, please drop in. Read more

June Events in New England

Don’t miss our weekend of events in New England at the end of June, when we will be visiting Knights Templar Oasis (Salem, Massachusetts) and Abrahadabra Oasis (Portland, Maine). Click through for the full schedule… Read more

Potluck Lunch with the Chappell’s

June 29 – Salem, Massachusetts: Join the members of Knights Templar Oasis and Abrahadabra Oasis for a potluck lunch with our special guests, Lita-Luise and Vere Chappell, between a double header of presentations. Read more

Knights Templar Legacy with Lita & Vere

June 29 – Salem, Massachusetts: The romantic legend of the warrior monks has persisted to the present day, and has inspired many – including the founders of Ordo Templi Orientis. This presentation will be richly illustrated with photographs of Templar sites from Lita and Vere’s travels. Read more

Discourses 2019

May 18th & 19th – Garden Grove, CA: Golden Lotus Lodge is pleased to announce once again an annual series of presentations. Lita will be presenting “The Faces of Babalon and the Beast”, showing interpretations of these two iconic archetypes. Read more